Patch-Chroniken (RMP 2006 - RMP 2007)

Alles, was mit älteren Versionen zu tun hat

Moderatoren: Routinier, Escartin, DK4987, Steini, jonas, Davinho

Beiträge: 1299
Registriert: 3.8.2003 - 23:36

Patch-Chroniken (RMP 2006 - RMP 2007)

Beitrag: # 368180Beitrag DK4987
14.7.2006 - 0:18

Patch-Chronik: Radsport Manager Pro 2006

Offzieller Patch Version (05.10.2006)

Mirror 1: ... .0.0.8.exe (40,9 MB)
Mirror 2: ... .0.0.8.exe (40,9 MB)

Veränderungen (Übersetzungen dürfen gerne eingesandt werden)

Neue Features

- Possibility to personalise starting list of riders in stage, classic and tour modes (using xml file)
- The patch is delivered with a file enabling the 2006 Tour de France to run with the 176 riders who were present at Strasbourg.
- Update to equipment (1)


- Correction to bug in replies by riders to your offers of contract (1)
- Adjustments to morale when fixing rider status in season 2
- Better revision of budgets when player advances through game with low-level team (enables signature of higher level riders)
- Correction to bug which may prevent direct selection of rider status in season 2
- Possibility to now borrow more money in career mode ( 100 000 to 1 000 000 €) over a longer period (6 – 24 months)
- Correction to display of financial amounts
- Adjustments to AI governing race participation
- Correction to a bug on objectives that counted a green jersey success as a mountain jersey success


- Correction to a ladder bug which could cause a direct return to the Windows desktop when the creator of a game pressed on the "Next" button to choose his stage.
- Correction to bug which prevented a saved game being run with the button "Load (Reset Login)"

Datenbank & Etappen

- Update to Brescia Tour & Circuit de l'Ain (1)
- Update to rider attributes (1)


- Adjustments to the way an individual time-trial unfolds on a sloped route. The gaps between riders at the finishing post are larger (and therefore more true-to-life).
- Correction to team ranking bug which affected individual time-trials.
- Intermediate times added to individual time-trial (first 60 riders)
- Correction to problem when loading replays.

(1) All that concerns the game's database is taken into account for new games and for databases created on the basis of this patch. Existing databases, created from a version previous to do not include these changes.

Offzieller Patch Version (13.07.2006)

Mirror 1: ... .0.0.3.exe (40,5 MB)
Mirror 2: ... .0.0.3.exe (40,5 MB)
Mirror 3: ... 3.exe.html



- Korrektur diverser Probleme, welche mögliche Abstürze auf bestimmten PC's verursachen.

Neue Features

- Datenbank (Fahrer, Teams, Rennen, ...); Editor


- SuperPrestige-Punkte wurden für Kletterer und Sprinter hinzugefügt. Ein Bug wurde korrigiert, durch welchen Ziele, betreffend dieser Trikots, nicht erreicht werden konnten.


- Tour von Portugal wurde aktualisiert
- Tennisplatz wurde von der ersten Etappe der Dauphiné Libre entfernt (70 km)
- Die Zeitboni auf der vierten Etappe der Österreich-Rundfahrt wurden korrigiert (Einzelzeitfahren)


- Die Karenzzeit wurde erhöht. Es gibt nun weniger Aufgaben in schwierigen Etappen
- Ein Fehler, welcher ein Energiesparen ermöglichte, wurde entfernt (vornehmlich in Online-Games)
- Ein Button, welcher den Export einer TXT-Datei mit der Starterliste ermöglicht, wurde hinzugefügt. Alle Exporte werden in einem Ordner namens "exported results" gespeichert.
- Es wurde ein Anzeige-Bug korrigiert, welcher im Sprint-Tab im Infofenster bei Bergetappen auftrat.


- Es wurde ein Bug korrigiert, bei welchem keine Betreuer (z.B. Trainer) mehr verfügbar waren
- Es wurde ein Anzeige-Bug entfernt, welcher im Managerpart ab 2007 auftritt
- Der Link zu den Teams auf der Ergebnisseite der Team-Zeitfahren funktioniert nun korrekt
- Der Bug, bei welchem durch Training einen Trainingsfortschritt von über 100% angezeigt wurde, wurde korrigiert.
- Fortschritt der Fahrer (besonders der jungen): das Hauptfeld verbessert sich nun langsamer im Laufe der Karriere, besonders bei Erfahrungs-Veränderungen.
- Renntage werden nun gezählt, selbst wenn der Fahrer aufgegeben hat
- Bug bei Vertragsverlängerungen wurde entfernt


- Korrektur eines Bugs in den "exported results", wo "ST" anstatt der Rennzeit angezeigt wurde
- Durchschnitts-Wert der Fahrer wird nun bei Spielstart berechnet
- Sortierung nach Nachnamen in der Ergebnisanzeige (zuvor Vornamen)


- Korrektur beim Laden von Online-Spielen (Saison und Tour-Modus)
- Ladder-Modus: "Pause" ist bei Rennstart verfügbar
- x2 Geschwindigkeit am Ende des Rennens
- Neue Etappen sind im Ladder-Modus verfügbar

PS: Eine Karriere muss durch den Patch nicht neu gestartet werden.

Beiträge: 15406
Registriert: 12.8.2003 - 13:55

Beitrag: # 6708171Beitrag Steini
15.6.2008 - 17:43

Patch-Chronik: Radsport Manager Pro 2007

Offzieller Patch Version

Der Patch beinhaltet auch vorangegangene Änderungen. Es reicht also immer die aktuellste Patch-Version zu installieren.
Savegames können einfach fortgeführt werden.

- Offizieller Patch für die deutsche CD-Version
- Patch für die internationele CD-Version (nicht kompatibel mit der deutschen Version)
- Patch für die Download-Version

Liste der Änderungen:
Wer über eine deutsche Übersetzung stolpert, darf mir diese gerne per PN zusenden.

* Correction to bug on Giro 2008 : the stage number 4 is now considered a flat stage instead a mountain one.
* Correction to bug on creation of young amateur riders (same surname/forename)
* Refinements to allocation of new budget.
* The income from the sale of a rider is now added to transfer funds.
* Correction to bug which could prevent a significant improvement in budget after being promoted.
* Refinements to appreciation of contract offers. The rider takes a little less account of his morale in order to accept more easily offers from other teams.
* Refinements to contracts : it is now possible to recruit good riders when managing a continental team that will be promoted at the end of the season.
* Refinements to the influence of the status given in race simulations. Rider morale drops more easily if race status does not correspond to status in contract.
* Corrections to a message that, in some cases, could block a player.
* Correction to a bug in the monthly awards on the Magazine tab
* Refinement to "Fighter" attribute generated for young amateur riders.
* Adjustments to simulations : a few more gaps created during hilly stages
* Scouts with a "Mythical" reputation give more exact feedback on a rider's potential

* Correction to display of budget for past year on the 15th October financial statement.


Offzieller Patch Version

Offizieller Patch für die deutsche CD-Version
Patch für die internationele CD-Version (nicht kompatibel mit der deutschen Version)
Patch für die Download-Version

Liste der Änderungen:
Wer über eine deutsche Übersetzung stolpert, darf mir diese gerne per PN zusenden.

* Correction to a crash on some machines that can prevent 3D races being played.
* Correction to a bug at end of race when the winner of a classic race appeared in a yellow jersey.
* Correction to the display of sponsor logo, which did not always appear on leader jerseys.

* Correction to crashes during Tour de France 2010
* Correction to a bug which, in some cases, could prevent the selection of a team (empty list).
* Correction to a bug which made rider unavailable after a stage was cancelled.
* Correction to a bug which automatically cancelled participation in races such as : Tour de Sarthe, Circuit de Lorraine, Tour of Slovenia, etc...
* Slight adjustment to progress of young riders, who now take a little longer to reach the top level.
* Slight adjustment to decrease in attributes of older riders, who now lose their level more slowly.

* Correction to a display refresh bug when arriving on equipment page.
* Correction on Search page
* Various corrections to management pages.
* Correction to a bug in the display of a rider's achievements at the start of a season. 2nd places could be displayed as 1st and 3rd places could be displayed as 2nd.
* Retired riders no longer appear in Search and Shortlist pages
* Some rider nationalities modified.
* Objectives revised for some Continental teams
* Correction to display bug on the logo of the sponsor "M1-d'oeuvre"


Offzieller Patch Version

Offizieller Patch für die deutsche CD-Version
Patch für die internationele CD-Version (nicht kompatibel mit der deutschen Version)
Patch für die Download-Version
Beta-Patch für die deutsche CD-Version (funktioniert bei einigen besser als der offizielle Patch)

Liste der Änderungen:
Wer über eine deutsche Übersetzung stolpert, darf mir diese gerne per PN zusenden.

* Fixed memory leak problem
* Fixed the dark appearance of riders when the Shader level was set on "low"
* Correction to problems with certain road textures when Shader level was set on "low"
* Fixed crash occurring with some video cards when starting a 3D race with shaders set on "high"
* Correction to slow movement of cursor in 3D races
* Correction to "floating" spectators in stands at finishing line.

* Unemployed riders now react more positively to offers from continental teams
* Less AI managers lose their jobs at the end of the season
* Correction to crash on stage 8 of Supergiro di Italia 2008
* Correction to crash on stage 1 of Gran vuelta a España 2008
* "Average" (AVG) of abilities is updated every week
* Display problem which allowed training progress bar to go beyond 100%.
* Correction to bug which, on very rare occasions, could provoke a crash at the start of a major tour (Season 2007)
* Correction to display of jerseys during world championships

* Fixed the wrong list of favourites displayed when a second race was played immediately after a first one.
* Custom Stages/Teams : fixed a crash occurring when clicking on a team name on the participating teams choice page
* Display relative times on intermediate sprints
* Corrections to "Season Stats" page in career mode
* Corrections to "Achievements" on rider data sheet
* Various corrections to texts that were too wide for tables
* Display of monetary amounts (salary, transfer value) is more uniform (example : 125.200 €)
* Results page : sorting by "team" should now be done by alphabetical order
* Added a column displaying next year contract details in on "Pro Reports" tab
* CN-ITT pictogram now displayed on the relevant pages (instead of the more general CN pictogram)
* Rider data sheet : fixed an inversion between the Sprint and the Acceleration abilities when displaying "Training" information.
* Scouting page : fixed a bug preventing young riders from being found in the Russian and Australian areas.
* Scouting page : image added for "Flanders" area
* Changed the date when the definitive season classifications are calculated. Used to cause display problems.
* Fixed problem to sorting by salary on "Search" and "Shortlist" menus.
* Correction to a crash on stage presentation page when clicking on a team info link.

* Changes and updates of rider stats
* Updated objectives for Cya Top Tour teams and some Continental teams
* Changed the race category for Tour of Australia and Qinghai Lake Road
* Correction to experience level of some riders who had level > 4.
* Fixed characteristics of some equipment
* National champion jersey added for Fumiyuki Beppu, George Hincapie, Thomas Lövkvist and Jussi Veikkanen.
* The 6th stage of the "Österreich Rundfahrt" is considered a road race and no longer an individual time-trial

* Riders finishing outside time limit now taken into account. The interface is not active yet so names are not displayed.
* Adjustments to "Race-day condition" : The extremes of -5, -4 and +4, +5 happen less often
